Question types: Video

What is it?

A video question allows you to show a video to the respondents hosted natively within our app.

When to use it?

You can use video questions to show a video of any kind, whether it's an advertisement, a product demo, a movie trailer, even a short film. Note that when the respondent starts a video they can not fast forward or scrub through the video, and will be required to view the entire video before proceeding.

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

Tips for using this question type?

  • Videos must be less than 30MB, and the required formats are either MOV, MP4 and AVI. If you need assistance either reducing the video size or debranding a video asset, just get in touch with the Milieu sales or research team.
  • We recommend you don't show a video that's too long, ideally less than 5 minutes. If your video will exceed 5 minutes, we suggest adding a content screen to let the respondent know in advance.

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