Question types: Ranking

What is it?

A ranking question allows the respondent to rank a set of attributes in order of importance from highest to lowest.

When to use it?

Use this question type when you want to discover the rank order, in terms of importance or priority, for a list of brands or attributes. 

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

Tips for using this question type?

  • Consider using a multi select question instead. Multi selects still offer a natural ranking of the responses in the data output. Ranking data can also be slightly more difficult to interpret as a result of its structure.
  • Avoid using long lists for rankings. We suggest capping ranking at 8 response options or less
  • Sometimes it can be more effective to ask respondents which attributes are important using a multi select first, then use our piping feature to display the respondents' selected options in a subsequent ranking question (rather than showing the full list from the start).

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