Question types: Header & Content

What is it?

Similar to the Content Only question type, a Header & Content question allows you to impose some level of structure or hierarchy to your content screen.

When to use it?

Header & Content can be useful when you need to break your survey up into sections, where you can use the Header field to add section names (e.g. Section 1 of 4, Prototype test 2 of 3, etc)

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

Tips for using this question type?

  • Try to keep the header content short and concise. We suggest not exceeding 50 characters (excluding spaces), or roughly 10 words
  • Try to keep the body content short and concise. We suggest not exceeding more than 350 characters (excluding spaces), or roughly  words.
  • Use formatting to stylize your content, such as bolding key terms or phrases.

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