Question Types: Open End

What is it?

An open end allows the respondent to type in text or numbers into an open text field.

When to use it?

Use open ends whenever you want to get an unprompted response (i.e. unaided brand awareness), or when you're not sure what kind of response options may be relevant to an attributes list. You can also configure an open end to be alphanumeric, numeric (where it forces the respondent to input a numeric value), or a numeric range (where they must input a numeric value within a range that you configure).

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

Tips for using this question type?

  • Try to make open ended questions as specific as possible. For example, rather than asking "what did you think about this ad?", consider asking something more specific, like "what did you like or dislike about the ad" or "what did you find unique about the ad, if anything?"

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