Launch a templated study

When you're ready to launch a templated study, find the study you wish to launch and click START.

The first screen will confirm the type of study you're about to setup for launch.

Next, you can choose the sample size and target audience for your study. A larger sample size will increase the cost / credits required to run the study, and choosing a more niche target audience may also increase the cost as well. You will also notice that some segments aren't available for targeting at higher sample sizes as a result of the lower feasibility on our panel. So if you're attempting to launch a study but you're unable to find a segment for targeting, trying reducing the sample size.

After selecting your desired sample size and target audience, you can give your study name, and depending on the type of study you may include the name of the brand.

On the next screen you can tag a sector. This provides us with important metadata that enables us to provide you with sector-specific benchmarks for your survey.

Next, you can choose to use our standard quotas for the national online population, or if you require custom quotas you may indicate them here. Note that our standard quotas are derived from national statistics that we obtain from various 3rd party sources (i.e. government websites), and they're typically based on an interlock of age and gender, and for some countries, it may be based on location/region of residency and income as well.

The next screens (or screens) allow you to configure your study parameters and are different for each of our unique templated studies. For example, if you chose the Brand Dipstick Check you will be required to add a list of competitor brands as well as a set of brand attributes. In this case, since we're running a Package Test, you will first need to upload the various product shots of your new package design. You can add up to 6 different product angles.

Once you've added all of the product angles you wish to include, click NEXT.

Besides product shots, the Package Test will also require you to add a list of custom attributes that you will use to test against your package design.

The final screen will give you a full overview of the study, including a recap of the sample size, target audience and the number of credits required to launch the study. By scrolling to the bottom of the survey you will also have the option to add custom questions if you wish, for an additional cost.

You can also try out the survey before it goes live. In order to test it, you will need the Milieu Surveys mobile app installed, which is available in the Apple and Google Play app stores. You can find links to download our app from our website here. If the Milieu Surveys app is not available in your country of residence, you can request access to our beta testing app from our research or sales team.

In order to test your survey, click on TRY OUT which will provide you with a unique survey testing code.

This survey code can be punched into our app by going to Settings > Survey Code. You will also need to select the country that your survey will launch in, as well as the language (if it will run in a language other than English). When type in the survey code, do note that it is CASE sensitive.

Once you have tested your survey and you're ready to proceed, click on SUBMIT. Your survey will be sent to our research team for review. Once our team has approved the survey you'll receive an email notification indicating that your survey has launched.

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