Question types: Multi Select

What is it?

A multi select question allows the respondent to select as many options as they like from your response list. However, you may also configure a minimum or maximum response cap. For example, if you have a long list of attributes and want to limit respondents to 2 options max, you can set the maximum number of options to 2.

When to use it?

Use multi select questions for nominal response lists such as a brand list or attributes list, where the options have no natural ranking or numerical distance between the response options?

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

This is what a standard multi select question looks like:

And here's what it looks like when you add images.

Tips for using this question type?

  • Try to keep the question text short and concise. We suggest not exceeding 140 characters (excluding spaces), or roughly 30 words
  • Try to keep the individual response options short and concise. We suggest not exceeding 50 characters (excluding spaces), or roughly 10 words
  • Try not to use very long response lists, ideally 10 options or less. If you have a very long list, say 30 options or more we suggest that you split it up across multiple questions

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