Question types: Rating

What is it?

A rating scale is similar to a single select question, with the key difference being that you assign a numerical value to each response option. This unlocks different types of data aggregation in our dashboard, Canvas, that aren't possible with a standard single select question. It also associates numerical values for each response option in your data exports.

When to use it?

Use rating scales whenever your question involves a numeric / interval scale, such as an NPS question.

What does it look like in the Milieu Surveys app?

Tips for using this question type?

  • Try to keep the question text short and concise. We suggest not exceeding 140 characters (excluding spaces), or roughly 30 words
  • Try not to exceed an 11 point scale (i.e. 0 to 10)
  • If you configure your scale as a spinner, limit your response options to 20 characters or less (excluding spaces), otherwise the text may be cut off.

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