What standard demographic variables are included in a dataset?

Every survey, whether templated or custom, will always include 30+ demographic variables that we enrich your dataset with from our own profiling surveys. This means you do not have to ask any demographic questions, like age or gender, in your survey, as we've already collected this information.

The table below outlines the standard demographic variables we'll include in your study.

CoreEducation / CareerPersonal / HouseholdRecent EventsHousing / Transport
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Household Income
  • Location of Residence
  • Ethnicity
  • Religion

  • Level Of Education
  • Employment Status
  • Job Type
  • Employment Type
  • Work & Study Status
  • Unemployed Status
  • Work Sector
  • Business Owner
  • Work Industry
  • Work Department
  • Job Level
  • Monthly Personal Income
  • Relationship Status
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Parental Status
  • Number Of Children
  • Children's Age
  • Household Size
  • Living With
  • Age Of Children In Household
  • Elderly Dependents
  • Pet Ownership
  • Pet Type Owned

  • Recent life events
  • Upcoming life events
  • Housing Type
  • Living Situation
  • Number Of Residential Properties Owned
  • Vehicle Used
  • Car Type
  • Main Mode Of Transport

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