Running cross-breaks for a single question

You can run cross-breaks on our dashboard which allow you to drill down into a question by breaking it down by the responses of another question or variable, such as age, gender or income.

To start, from the dataset overview screen, hover over a question card and click to enter the zoom-in view.

Once you've entered the question drill-down view, click Select a Topic to Compare. This will open a menu that allows you to select another question topic to breakdown your root question by.

By default, you will see 2 categories that organize various question topics you can apply as cross-breaks, which include 1) survey topics, and 2) demographics. 

  • Survey Topics - This allows you to cross-break with other questions from the same study (i.e. break down question 1 by question 2).
  • Demographics - This allows you cross-break with a range of 30+ demographics variables that we enrich your dataset with. If you'd like to learn more about which demographics variables we attach to your dataset check out this resource.

You can also request custom topic groupings, which will show up under a third category, called Custom Topics. For example, if you'd like our team to create a custom topic grouping for males who are aged 22 to 26, you can make this request via our research team and once created, will appear under the custom topics category.

Once you have selected a topic to compare, you will now see a table view of the question with additional columns. Each column represents an option from the question you applied as a cross-break.

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