How to find a study

From the Studies homepage, you can find a study either by using the search bar or by applying filters by study type or status.

Search for a study

Click on the search icon then type in the name of your study, or a keyword related to the study. Note that the search function queries based on the title of the dataset, so if you search by a keyword this term must be found within the study title.

Filter by study type

You can also filter studies by type. There are 4 broad categories of studies, which include:

  • Brand - These are templated brand studies, such as a brand dipstick or crisis impact study.
  • Product - These are templated product studies, such as early or final-stage new product tests (NPD), pricing studies, etc.
  • Advertising - These are templated advertising studies, such as early or final-stage ad tests, campaign uplift studies, etc
  • Custom - These are customized studies where you used your own questions, rather than one of our templated studies.

Filter by status

Finally, you can filter your studies by their current status.

  • Draft - These are studies that are currently be edited. You can still click into a study that's in draft mode to make changes.
  • Review - These are studies that have been submitted to our research team for review. Studies in that are in review cannot be edited.
  • Fieldwork - Once our research team have approved your survey and sent it to our panel, the status will change to fieldwork. This means we are currently collecting samples, and you can view the current sample count in the bottom right corner of the study card.
  • Completed - These are studies that have completed fieldwork and have been generated for viewing on our dashboard. Only studies marked as completed will allow you to click in to view results. However, if you would like to see the results of a study that has not yet been completed, you can request with our research team to generate an interim report while fieldwork is ongoing.

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